
Blog Updates and Goals

As another day, week, and month passes by I find myself asking what direction I want to have for this website and blog. I also find myself constantly distracted with other goals I want to accomplish. While late in writing about what I want to do, especially since I returned to Canada, I’m finding the time now to at least write it down and keep myself accountable for these goals.

Goal 1 – Cleaning my personal spaces, finding my work space.
If you know me in real life you know that I’m personally disorganized, but love to be thoroughly neat with other people’s possessions. I also have been meaning to look for a dedicated work space as it can get quite frustrating having to work from the kitchen table and have to move back and forth. Perhaps it is the creative in me, but I like having a set area that will place disruptions to a minimum.
My bedroom is the prime area for me to dedicate this space for my work. My problem is that I have things I need to organize for the past several years and new things to go through after moving back. I tend to hoard many things like a dragon with their mountain of treasure. Expensive things and gifts are always the most difficult things for me to give up. But things must be tossed and donated if I want to eventually find a work space in my room. I have already started the process, but going through 5 – 10 years of accumulated things does take time. I’m on day 3 and only just finished going through my clothing. I’m getting rid of 1/3 of my closet at least, though it can increase after I finish the rough clean up.

Goal 2 – Pumping out the Art and Putting on Deadlines
To practice my general art abilities I have been inserting a couple of doodles in my blog. To further my abilities I plan on creating short weekly comics or redraws of my doodles from my school days. It helps develop my sense of style and encourages constant practice. Of course I still want to take time to write on certain topics that I am unable to illustrate and will continue my blog as such. However there will be a slow transition towards this blog becoming more illustrative/portfolio oriented. Perhaps I will slow blog posts down to once a month, rather than every 2 – 3 weeks.

Goal 3 – Chasing that Cartoon Dream
One of my childhood dreams was always to professionally voice cartoon characters. I decided to take a leap of faith and attempt in trying to make that dream come true with some voice acting lessons. Thus far I hope to focus on the animation side of this industry, but only time will tell if I am able to accomplish this dream of mine. I need to get over my performance anxiety and general shy nature, and the classes are genuinely helpful in developing this skill in a safe space. While I do not know when I would start auditioning for particular roles, I know that I am proud that I am at least trying to reach towards it.

So I have many goals and projects I want to work on. To some extent I am admittedly a little afraid to put myself out there, but these are things I need to challenge myself with in order to progress further. I’m not sure how much I will accomplish within this year. I can only work on them and hope to finish or develop the proper habits to go further than I have ever expected. It is with hope that people take my example of self improvement and know that it is never too late to work towards childhood goals or improve on previous works. I set 3 goals for myself, and it would be a lie to say that I don’t have many more on the back burner, but these are the ones I want to focus on specifically. Perhaps you will also join me in your self improvement journeys.

Good Luck!